yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (820 points)


maybe I overlooked it, but which method in @eo-sdk/core is used to search for users?

I would like to query the endpoint: /rest-ws/service/organization/query?q=johndoe&activeonly=true&details=true



1 Answer

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by (820 points)
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Best answer

To answer my own question:

There isn't any specific "search" call. Just use the BackendService.getJSON() call. The BackendService is a thin wrapper for all API Endpoints.

Therefore for a basic user search it's simple backendService.getJson('/organization/query?q=johndoe&activeonly=true&details=true') with some rxjs in the mix.

The Query could be (safely) composed with Utils.buildUri() which is part of @eo-sdk/core.

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