yuuvis® RAD Q&A

0 votes
by (2.9k points)

Hello OS-Team,

how can I logout, when LDAP is enabled? There is no logout Button when I click the profile picture in the top right corner (see: http://prntscr.com/n7w5la)

Logout following link: https://<dms-server>/enaio/client/enter;logout=true
does work, but I cannot relogin with LDAP credentials at this specific login page.

We need a way to logout and get the same LDAP login form because we need to logout and login during our e2e Tests.

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.6k points)

Hello Dennis,

it really doesn't make much sense to log out in a SSO environment since the only user you are able to login with at all is your current windows-user. That's why we intentionally disabled the logout button in this scenario.

Anyway if you really need to logout and back in again you can do it in the way you described above. Logout using your URL and navigate to the dashboard again - you will automatically be logged in again.

