yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (2.9k points)
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we want to exports multiple document types of a specific folder type. Use case: We have a folder type "customer" with different document types e.g. "correspondence" and "announcement" and we want to export those two document types of a specific customer in a xlsx format.

Screenshot http://prntscr.com/kcsc6d


best regards

Dennis Schmidt

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)

Should only the indexdata be exported or the content files as well?
In the next two iterations and ror the indexdata, we are planning a new REST-call for getting a CSV or XML-formatted file which can be downloaded using a custom action.

by (2.9k points)
Our customer want to have both options just the indexdata or just the files. Is there a possibility to implement this within the structure service? I dont think we can implement a custom action for every single export the user want to configure.
by (19.2k points)
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Please, can you additionally describe which user wants to export for which purpose so we can think about the best fitting solution?
And one question: what does the customer think about security? To export masses of data may have to do with espionage
by (2.9k points)
First use-case would be to have an export function of the search result list. E.g. I want to get all invoices of customer A. User is using the standard search and can export the files.
Second use-case would be to combine multiple objects e.g. I want all invoices, correspondences and emails from customer A. Is there already a standard export, we can use or can we write a custom action, which dynamically exports the search result list? Thank you
by (19.2k points)
Yes, I understand, that something has to be exported, but for what purpose? I should get the data and for what?
by (2.9k points)
our customer want to export data from enaio into excel format in order to run further excel evaluation and to do reports, which are not supported explicitly in enaio.

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