To share some thoughts on this...
We started with some customization (aka plugins) for the existing RAD client. As we went along it becamme pretty clear, that the approach is not applicable to our needs.We jumped ship and started wirting our own client based on @eo-sdk/core.
As of today we completely switched to Yuuvis API and dropped @eo-sdk/core altogether. We implemented the whole REST access/schema in 1,5 person months. I retrospect we should have done it earlier. The @eo-core/sdk is somwhat opinionated towards a specific use case, which isn't a bad decision at all. But for out use case, it just wasn't a good fit. We ended up with tailwind css and wirting all the rest (no pun intended) by ourselves.
If you really depend on components and time is an issue, Syncfusion might be a good choice.
Just my 2cts and your mileage may vary,