yuuvis® RAD Q&A

0 votes
by (1.9k points)
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Hi OS,

with the release of redline 5.0, do you also plan to update your gitHub repositories?
We had small problems with the client in version 4.12 and could solve this by updating to version 5.0. But that did not work with the custom client, because it was still on version 4.12.
Same demand is with the microservice example and update to Spring Boot 2.0

Thanks for your reply.


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.2k points)
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Hi Mathias,
which gitHub repositories do you mean and which problems do you have?
In product version 5.x, the client component version with its repository is counting with the same major number 5 as it is since product version number 4.4.
And, Please, can you give us more details about the microsoft example you mean.
BR Martin

by (1.9k points)
Hi Martin
Thanks for your reply.
I mean this gitHub repositories under this link: https://github.com/OPTIMALSYSTEMS
We work with the "eo-sdk-boilerplate" and "enaio-microservice-example".

I created a support-ticket and they could help me to solve the problem by updating to the latest version. I had some problems with the context-folder-view. Ticekt number was #0385-OS-SUP-003/19.

The update of the microservice example is not critical, but it would be nice to work with the latest version.

by (1.6k points)
Hi Mathias,

the microservice example on GitHub has been updated to the latest Spring Boot version.


by (1.9k points)
Thank you for the information

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