since we updated to 4.12 we are not able to create objects with a specific catalog entry anymore. This consistently happens on all machines with this version.
I am trying to create an object (doesn't matter which one) with the value "Tablets" a field that references this catalog.
This is the errormessage that occurs when I try to:
> input json user meta contains invalid values. See cause message for
> more details.","callerhint":"'produktgruppe' at [1,
> 729]","time":"2019-01-15T12:08:42.790Z","reportedtoclient":true,"cause":{"messages":["The
> input value [Tablets] for element [produktgruppe] is not valid. See
> cause message.","Der Katalogeintrag Tablets kann für den Werttyp
> dms:importmeldung.positionsliste.positionslisterecord.produktgruppe
> nicht verwendet werden. Der Eintragstyp ist INNERENTRY, erwartet wurde
> jedoch ein Blatteintrag und nicht alle Einträge des Katalogs können
> ausgewählt werden."
This is the catalog that is used on this field:
Wierdly the values "Brenner" and "Mobiltelefone" work just fine like they used to. (Aswell as all the others)
Are there any informations I could provide that would help to identify this problem? I am not sure where to look for.