Unlike CMIS, we consider the BPMN2 standard to be more important. Therefore, we strive to be as close as possible to this notation. Nevertheless, the same applies here: the functionality required to control processes is very extensive. For example, this standard usually covers only 30% of the functionality of a product. In addition, the standard was devised primarily for the purpose of process documentation. This is reflected u.a. in the approximately 100 symbols that are available for modeling.
However, most users usually agree to use only a basic set of symbols so as not to overwhelm the reading user.
Process modeling in enaio also offers only a basic scope. However, this will be gradually expanded.
However, we are very skeptical about the great goal of interoperability with products from other manufacturers, especially in the area of process documentation. This is because the goals of process documentation and control often go far apart. This is usually due to the higher level of detail in the documentation. So it is always necessary after the import to remodel the processes. In addition, those functions must be added that are not standard, so not in the documentation tool. That that the documentation model then no longer match the control model. It now has to be maintained on both sides. Therefore, it is recommended to operate both disciplines separately.
To be mentioned: The author has deep experiences to integrate a documentation tool into a control engine ...