yuuvis® RAD Q&A

0 votes
by (750 points)
edited by

Hey is there any way to manipulate the order of documents for example
in the search or object creation dialog?

We have a contextfolder with many different objects and right now it's sorted alphabetically but we have some more important type for example "Schriftverkehr" we wan't to keep the name but list it at the top.

I already tried to add an zero width space but that isn't working

right now we're just using a * at the front of the title but it would be nice to have a solution without any visible character for the user.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.2k points)

Hi Marcel,

Sorry but there is currently no other way of sorting and we did yet have planned to do more on this side. Please, can you send your Change Request to pm[at]optimal-system.de with your specific use case. The product management team will evaluate this in the next time and will give you an answer with the decision.

Best Regards

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