yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (1.9k points)

Hi community

Is it possible to ignore or filter a specific word when doing a full text search?
Use case: We have a customer where the name of the company is mostly on every metadata and document. That means when the search input for a full text seach contains the company name, a lot of not neccessary hits will be found.

Thank you and reagards

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)

Hi Mathias,

hmm, I do not understand your question. If the user has entered the company name because he wants to get specific objects for this why should this name then be ignored? So he will get nothing.

BR Martin

by (1.9k points)
Hi Martin
As described in the question, the name of the company is mostly on every document or metadata. That means that for this company, the use case to search only for the company name in yuuvis does not exist because nearly every object will be returned. This is limited to the full text search. When searching for specific metadata, the company name should be included to find the results.
The aim is not to include the company name in the search for queries with multiple words.
by (19.2k points)
Ok, I understood this now.
We had a solution based on stopword files but removed this feature because a customer missed a specific word then.
But we could bring it back with an enabling feature and a description of what to do to maintain these files. Please tell us if we should go for this feature.
by (1.9k points)
Hi Martin
Yes, this feature would be nice to have.
by (19.2k points)
Hi Mathias,
I have accepted this feature as a Change Request and created a ticket with number TUK-2290.
I expect to bring this in yuuvis RAD 9.4 or 9.6.
BR Martin
by (1.9k points)
Hi Martin

Can you tell me if this CR TUK-2290 has been published?

Thanks and regards Mathias
by (19.2k points)
HI Mathias,
sorry, we had to postpone this feature because there were other stories with higher priority.
We did not get more requests for this feature so it is not yet clear when we can bring this feature.
Neverthelesse, I hope to release this latest with 10.16 at the end of the year.
BR Martin