I would like to display a date in the structure tree.
Once a month we publish files for our users.
So the structure tree should look like:
Document type
-Update Information
- 12.05.2022
- 15.04.2022
The defined scheme look like this:
"title": "Document type",
"key": "sysdocdoctype",
"field": "syinfodoc.dokumentart",
"condition": "syinfodoc.sichtbarkeit='Öffentlich'",
"expanded": true,
"showempty" : true,
"title": "Datum",
"hide": true,
"key": "sysdocdate",
"condition": "syinfodoc.dokumentart='Update Informationen'",
"field": "syinfodoc.datum"
However yuuvis does not display the Date as a normale date.
I guess it is some type of timeticks.
How can I change this behaviour?
Thanks in advance,