yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (380 points)


we have a webclient (angular using @eo-sdk/core).
If this webclient is packaged as an mobile app (via cordova), form-based login works.
If this webclient is hosted in the service-manager`s "webresource\public\"-folder next to the standard-"client", login is performed automatically (NTLM)
If this webclient ist hosted on any other webserver, form-based login always returns 401 unauthorized.
CORS is enabled for * (any domain) in yuuvis.

Is there something that has to be configured to allow login from (pages hosted on) other servers?


2 Answers

0 votes
by (19.6k points)

Hi Stefan,

maybe you also have to set the samesite cookie in the gateway settings?
See https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvis_develop/display/onpremise/Necessary Actions When Updating or Upgrading to 7.16

Best regards

by (380 points)
Hello Nicolai,

thanks for your answer.
I don`t think samesite is the reason here, as we are in the same domain (our intranet) and there is no warning in the devTools of Firefox or Chrome. The http-'GET' on /login is issued and immediately we get '401' as anwer.

by (19.6k points)
Hi Stefan,

usually the Gateway shows this behaviour if you are mixing authentication modes - so for example trying to pass basic auth credentials to a SSO gateway - or if you call an invalid URL. The client uses relative URLs to connect to the services. Make sure your site on the webserver has the same context-path (/app/client/) and/or adjust the base-path parameter in the index.html file.

Best regards
0 votes
by (380 points)

Hi Nicolai,

it doesn`t seem to be mixed-auth (no NTLM in the headers) and also for me the paths look right. I try to attach a screenshot of Firefox's console with network traffic

Here the call to yuuvistest.domain.de:85/auth/info:

Even the OPTIONS-Request to yuuvistest.domain.de:85/login ist Code 200 and looks good. Just the login itself goes wrong and I don't get a clue about why...

(Page with loginform hosted on divisionen.pages.domain.de)


edit: The problem was the same with v6, it did not change with the upgrade to v7

by (19.6k points)
Please write an email to schmittberger[at]optimal-systems.de and we can have a look at it together