yuuvis® RAD Q&A

0 votes
by (750 points)


is it somehow possible to show the formated title in the most recent changes section?
Right now it only shows the name of the object:

But i want the formatted title like here on the right section:

I've already looked trough the documentations without any success :/

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.6k points)
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Best answer

Hi Marcel,

with version 7.16 LTS this is already the case. I am guessing you are on a lower version?

Best regards

by (750 points)
Thanks! :)
Yes we're on 7.12 cause our yuuvis advisor told us we should always stay one version behind cause of possible bugs.
But actually you should be able to use the latest version or is the probability of bugs there high?
by (19.6k points)
Hi Marcel,

in version 7.12 this feature should be already implented as well but it could be that the view shows outdated data because it is not always updated.
One of the two following procedures should fix this for you:
 - Clear the browser's local storage
    - Press F12 to open the developer tools of the browser
    - In Chrome click on the "application" tab and then on "clear site data"
    - In Firefox click on the "Web-Speicher" tab and then open the local storage menu entry and right click on the URL and click "Alles löschen"

 - Recalculate the type-resources in elasticsearch
    - Navigate to http://localhost:7291/swagger-ui.html on the service-manager machine
    - Choose index-api from the drop-down list at the top
    - click on api-controller, click on /api/typeresources/reindex and click on the "Try it out!" button
    - Type resources are now recalculated in the background and after a short while the values should be up-to-date

With version 8.0 (and maybe a future hotfix verison of 7.16 LTS) this behaviour is optimized and should always show the current values.

To your version question: We are developing by the continuous integration schema and all our releases run through our quality assurance department. Of course bugs can unfortunately always slip through but in general each release should be better than the one before. I would recommend to always keep up with the latest version or staying with each LTS version. in the current situation i would strongly recommend to update to the latest 7.16 LTS version.

Best regards

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