yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (380 points)


is there any possibility to calculate a value depending on the file given to a BPM process and show it in the start form?
E.G. show the name/title/ID of the file the process was started on.

Another possibility would be to not show the start form, but in a "normal" form during a work step / work item. But showing it directly in the ui after clicking the menu for starting the BPM (similar to the start form), instead of doing all the hassle about the inbox (change to inbox, take over work item, clicketyclick)

Any possibilities?


2 Answers

0 votes
by (5.4k points)

Hi Stefan,

as for the first part of the question, I believe that it would be possible to copy title of document to start form of process with form-scripting in client (I dont do client, but I dont see anything that would prevent it). But in that case, you would have a localized title saved as a string variable in a process and it would not be translated anymore. Could be bad for multinational users, where process goes through different countries.

I did not really understand the second part of question, could you please explain it a bit more and maybe present a short use-case, what is needed? Thanks!

best regards,

by (380 points)
Hello Bratislav,
I will check form scripting once more - but for now it looks like I cannot access the document. In the docs there is a sentence about the start form being displayed BEFORE technical start of BPM, perhaps that`s the reason.

Concerning second part:
Every manual step (work item) can be assigned a form. But this form is not presented directly in the ui (yuuvis web client). One has to go to the inbox, klick the process, click "take over work item" and see the form inside the inbox. And after that not forget to klick "continue" (or whatever the English term is here) to continue the bpm.
My hole bpm is just for computing a value and present it to the user. To do all this inbox-thingy just to read a single value is a little much to explain to them. (Most of them not knowing yuuvis yet)

by (5.4k points)

is there a reason why the custom-action is not ok for that purpose?
(I believe it should be able to access the data of DMS object, do some calculation, and show/update the object)

I will also ask Martin to have a look at your questions, he knows client-scripting way better than me :)

best regards,
by (380 points)
Hello again,

yes, there is a reason :) We want to call the same function from yuuvis web client and also from a mobile app. If I use a custom action for this I have to implement and keep up-to-date the same code two times afaik. (Once in the web client and once in the mobile client). If there is another (easy) possibility for having one codebase I do not insist on using BPM...

by (5.4k points)
Custom actions are kept in server (they are part of project schema, you can see them in designer under "Actions") and should be accessible from any client.

I am not sure whether mobile-clients have some limitations when it comes to their rendering or execution.
Maybe @martin can give us here a bit more background info.
by (380 points)
As far as I can see, there is no "Actions" endpoint via REST. BPM can be started via REST.
(Only thing I found is the UiService, where one can create, list and delete custom actions. But not execute?)
by (5.4k points)
this is correct, custom actions are executed in client context. so you cannot start them via rest, but get them and execute them within the client
more about them can be found here: https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvisRAD/v60/admin/en/administration/custom-actions/ca_con_konfiguraton.htm

I had impression this is exactly what you need: user clicks, something is calculated, and shown to the user (or document is updated, or... what the use-case requires).
by (380 points)
Thanks - I`ll have a very close look at that :)
0 votes
by (19.2k points)

Hi Stefan,

you can address the attributes of the object including the filename in scope.object[0]. in the formscript as documented hier:
https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvis_develop/display/onpremise/Client-side Form Scripting#Client-sideFormScripting-scope.objects

Use the browser developer tools and debug your script with a valid scope and have a look there. All available object attributes are shown.

It is not possible to notify something after process start. So you need the start form.

Best Regards,

by (380 points)
Hello Martin,

thanks, I`ll have a look into it.

Best Regards,