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by (230 points)

Is it possible to change somehow work item name with BPM server-side scripting in enaio redline 3.36 version?

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)
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No, this is not possible yet, but should be within the next 6 months.
Please, can you tell the use case behind this requirement to understand the business value?

by (230 points)
So process model contain a loop, inside a loop are three work items for three different performers,functionality of all three work items are the same only work item names are different, so I just wanted to keep only one work item in loop but somehow change its name with BPM event scripts.
Please note that the tracking or adminstration of a process is nearly impossible if the name is changing dynamically but the process model has no acitivities with these names. I dont recommend it. If the activity has the same logic why do you need another name for it? An apple is an apple, dont call it banana. :-)
So for me, I need another usecase. What is the business case? What happens concretely?

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