yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (1.9k points)

Hi all,

in the user documentation about the expert search (link) you link to this elastic search site (link). There, a fuzzy search is described. But I don't get this working. Can you help me with some examples on how this should work?

I tried the following:
I have an object with a value 'Schmid' in the index data.
When searching for 'Schmid' in the expert mode, I get the hit.
But when searching for 'Schmid~' or 'Schmied~' i don't get a hit.

Thank you for your help.

Regards Mathias

1 Answer

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by (19.6k points)

Hi Mathias,

please either use double quotes or no quotes at all. With single quotes it doesn't work.

Best regards

by (1.9k points)
Hi Nicolai,

sorry for the confusion. The single quotes were just to tell what the exact search term was. In the expert search, it did not use them.
Can you give me some examples that should work with the fuzzy search?

Thank you.

Regards Mathias
by (19.6k points)
without limiting to a specific field: like schmidt~

with limit to a specfic field: str_stringfieldname like schmidt~
The fieldname identifier is constructed as follows: datatype-abbreviation (e.g. str means string) + "_" + technical fieldname (if the field comes from an abstract type, if must be the technical name of the abstract type + "_" + technical fieldname)
If the field is a catalog entry, you also need to append "_" + language-abbreviation (e.g. en for english or de for german)
It is easiest to just look up the fieldsnames in the elasticsearch index. For that navigate to http://<elasticsearch-ip>:9200/enaiored/_doc/<object-itemID> and see which fields are available.

Best regards

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