yuuvis® RAD Q&A

+1 vote
by (480 points)

Is it possible to configure the virtual structure like in the screenshot below? We need to create a hierarchy like the one in the screenshot which only allows to create objects under a certain node.
Currently it is possible to create every object under the context folder. But this is a problem, because as shown in the example in the screenshot, there has to be an “order”-object before you can add an “item”-object.
How can we create such a structure?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (19.2k points)

Ok, this is an open issue. For such cases you need a hierarchical catalog field. Such fields are currently display flat with the path. In the next iteration we will display such fields values as tree elements as well.

0 votes
by (2.7k points)

Imho, you must create the field ordernumber on the item-object.
This field must be mandatory. This ensures that there is always a order as the second hierarchy level within the struktur.
Remember that there should only be one folder type in a folder group. In your use-case there should be a folder (i.e. customer).
and two document types "order" and "item". In addition, you can refer your ordernumber field on the item to the ordernumber field on the order.
Pelase refer my answer to that

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