Hi all,
is it possile to change the date format in the yuuvis client per language?
Use Case: A customer uses the langauge English. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY but the customer wants it to be DD/MM/YYYY.
Thank you.
Hi Mathias,
I can offer only a workaround for this special request and that effects all users of the system:
copy the language en.json file to de.json. If a user chooses German, the interface shows than the English wordings but the date and number formats are in German. And settings in main.json :
"languages": [
{ "iso": "de", "label": "English (German)" }, { "iso": "en", "label": "English", "fallback": true }
], ...
See documentation for language configurations as well: https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvisRAD/v60/admin/en/administration/client-config/config_custom_languages.htm?Highlight=language
Best Regards.
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