yuuvis® RAD Q&A

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by (310 points)
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We would like to implement text fields like "Scheibe" or "Quader" in enaio redline as headlines for such a table. Is it planned to provide such a component in the future?

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)

Hmmmm, do you mean the title of the table? You can do this be renaming the group name within the form. Otherwise, Please, give as a bit more explanations for a better understanding of your requirement.

by (310 points)
Thank you for your prompt reply. The proposed solution is not quite appropriate. I mean a kind of information field, with which one can give additional information. For example, units of length or explanations for the user. In the example the benchmarks "gesägte Geometrie".
by (19.2k points)
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OK, and the field description is not enough here?
by (480 points)
Hello Martin,
no the normal description is not enough. We have cases, were we need to point out what methode we used and what unit it is.
For example, the result of the methode "Analysenfeuchte" and the unit is "µg/ml".
In other words, we need a indexfield that is just plain text, the way we could do it in enaio blue.
by (19.2k points)
OK, simple workaround yet: take a stringfield, write the text in and set it to readonly. Not nice but still works.
by (480 points)
This is really not a nice workaround. And it would defiantly not work with our customers. Especially considering the fact that it is almost not possible to configure the form in the designer, so it always stays in the right place of the index field it should represent.
Will there be a solution in future updates?
by (19.2k points)
There is no current plan for this and I am not sure whether it will be.
We are thinking about a possibility to for a configured documentation code which may be used to spring into a scenario documentation by url with search. But this will come earliest late next year.

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