Hi everyone
Question: Is there a way to search for documents that do not match an exact value with special characters in Yuuvis?
Background Info:
I am trying to search for documents which do not have a specific value set. As far as I could figure out from the documentation, the standard filters or search does not support the NOT operator.
In the expert search however, I can query for NOT str_type_field:"value"
. This works perfectly fine if there are no special characters in my value. But the value I need to search for has forward slashes, brackets and potentially other characters inside.
I was able to figure out that if I simply delete the forward slashes and the value contains no brackets, the search will work. But as soon as the value contains brackets I could not figure out a way to search for it and get results.
Document Value: /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich/
Failing Search Query: str_type_field:"/Europe/Switzerland/Zürich/"
Successful Search Query: str_type_field:"Europe Switzerland Zürich"
Document Value: /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich (ZH)/
Failing Search Query: str_type_field:"/Europe/Switzerland/Zürich (ZH)/"
Failing Search Query: str_type_field:"Europe Switzerland Zürich (ZH)"
Failing Search Query: str_type_field:"Europe Switzerland Zürich ZH"
The special characters work fine when doing an exact "eq" search in the normal search mode.
I'm figuring that it probably has something to do with how the Elastic Search Index is made on Yuuvis side. I would probably want to prevent this behavoir by adding a "not_analyzed" to a field: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/_finding_exact_values.html
My desired behavoir would be to search for the exact value (including special characters) in the field, but with NOT equals.
We are currently testing Yuuvis RAD 6.0 BETA, but I had the same behavior with Yuuvis RAD 5.20 (and was hoping that it will change with the BETA version).
Kind regards